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Busetti \ Garuti \ Redaelli

Manuela Busetti and Andrea Garuti met while studying Industrial Design at the European Institute of Design in Milan. During the academic years, they faced together some design issues and in 2004, the year of the “XX Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI”, they received the selection “Progetto Giovane” for their degree thesis project “Double”, an innovative cooler bag made of neoprene. Since 2004, they’ve started individual collaborations with different studios of Product and Advanced Design in Milan and, at the same time, they undertook together the business of freelance designing for international competitions and for manufacturing companies of different sectors: tableware, bathroom fittings, sanitary ware and furniture. Matteo Redaelli graduated in 2007 at the European Institute of Design in Milan as Industrial Designer. In the same year, their working lives met during a common collaboration with a Design Studio in Milan. In 2008, they started working together on new projects combining their different skills and sensibilities. New collaborations begun with manufacturing companies of different sectors: kitchen and bathroom faucets, tableware, kitchenware, cooktops and ovens, furniture for indoor and outdoor.